Friday 28 December 2012

A Bird's Eye Review of 2012

Ok, so there are still 3 days of the year left, but it would take an amazing sighting or magical moment to reach the top bird list of 2012. Despite not getting out as much as I would like our hobby lets us enjoy every moment no matter where we are.

Western Palearctic - Top 5 birds of 2012
1. Green Beeater (Dubai)
2. White Collared Kingfisher (Dubai)
3. Black-headed Bunting (Greece)
4. Chestnut-bellied Sandgrouse (Dubai)
5. Masked Shrike (Greece)

UK - Top Birds of 2012
1. Long-billed Dowitcher (RSPB Saltholme)
2. Bittern (WWT London Wetlands Centre) - not a new bird, but it was good to add this bird to my London list.

Best Birding Moments of 2012
1. Sitting in a car watching a pair of Green Beeater visiting a nest site in the most unlikely place.

2. Whilst hanging up the Christmas lights in our Rowan Tree a small flock of Long-tailed Tits arrived to watch. Standing on top of the ladders with my head in the canopy 12 inches away from a beautiful Long-tailed Tit making eye contact. Suddenly the world stopped and the day wasn't quite as cold as it was when we started.

Best Non-bird Sightings
1. Dingy Skipper (Bishop Middleham)
2. Scare Swallowtail (Greece)
3. Eastern Festoon (Greece)
4. 'Blonde' Wood Mouse (Stockton-on-Tees)

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